The Lab is Condé Nast Germany’s program for innovation and development of future business models.

The Lab will ask and answer future-oriented questions we aren't able to focus on in our day to day business based on actual needs and insights, lead by a Human-Centered Design approach.

The Lab concludes with a long term vision and actionable concepts that we confidently can use to leap into our future business.

The first Lab will deal with the “Future of Shopping”. It will exist over the course of 10 – 15 weeks with 8-10 participants, starting end of march 2015.

Future Of Shopping 

How might we predict and define the future of shopping? Are algorithms our new stylists? Do we just print out new clean underwear? And what is Condé Nast’s future role in this? How can we apply these learnings to the GLAMOUR Shopping Week?



Research and predict the future of shopping


Create business opportunities around shopping


Explore how GLAMOUR could become an innovative shopping brand


Outline a specific future scenario for the GLAMOUR SHOPPING WEEK


Build & test a prototype at GLAMOUR SHOPPING WEEK in Fall 2015

Project Phases

Breaking down the innovation process in many short sprints is vital for its success. Here is how we do it:

Final Product

The solutions will be relevant and actionable, they are chosen based on “The Three Lenses Of Human-Centered Design” to locate the sweet spot for our future business.
What do people desire?
What is technically  and organisationally  feasible?
What can be financially viable?
Solutions from The Lab will hit the overlap of these three lenses; they need to be desirable, feasible, and viable

Not just for the chosen few. Join The Lab, even if you just want to listen in.

There are two ways you can join – your participation is greatly appreciated.
1. Join the mailing list
Follow the process and get irregular updates, insights and other interesting stuff The Lab will uncover along the way. We will also share material and innovation methods that you can use on your own and with your team to innovate on your own terms.

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2. Apply for a seat @ The Lab 01

All seats are now filled for The Future Of Shopping. We will spread the word when 02 is around the corner. Thank you!

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Learn with us

Get to know our approach - with these tools at hand, everything is possible. 

Design Thinking

By Tim Brown, CEO, IDEO


By Clay Christensen, Professor, Harvard Business School

The Double Diamond Innovation Plan

By The UK Design Council


Minimal Viable Product (MVP)

Diffusion Of Innovation

By Everett Rogers

Inspiration for 
“Future Of Shopping”

Global Powers Of Retailing 2015:
Embracing Innovation

By Deloitte

The Future Of Automobility


From Value Chain To Value Constellation:
Designing Interactive Strategy

By Richard Normann and Rafael Ramírez,
Harvard Business Review (1993)

3 Tips For Engaging The Next Generation Of Luxury Consumers

By Nadine Young,

will fail (a lot) The lab is research, experimentation, Human-Centred Design, and ultimately Innovation.  

To do an task in a short amount of time, you need to be openminded & and have a process that can handle every type of outcome.

By using very flexible, but proven methods such as Design Thinking, Jobs-To-Be-Done, Lean & Agile principles. Taught and continuously developed by education institutes as The Stanford D-School, Harvard, Hyper Island & MIT and used in practice.

We will be able to discover actual needs and insights, Methods originally developed by the Stanford University, Harvard University, IDEO & MIT. Used worldwide in different shapes and forms from world class educations such as Hyper Island, IKEA Global Innovation Lab Use facitation tools from the Swedish military (adapted by Hyper Island) and Kaospiloterne in Denmark.
Come and join on the journey. You can take part in three ways. 
1. Join the lab 
2. Get the newsletter
3. contribute with “pain points” 

The Lab,

Please feel free to get in touch!